Wednesday, August 14, 2024

TOPIC 1. Basic Fitting Operations (FITTER)

TOPIC 1 आईटीआई फिटर परीक्षा के लिए निम्नलिखित विषय पर प्रश्न, 4 विकल्पों के साथ वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रकार के प्रश्न और उत्तर तालिका  'विभिन्न प्रकार के बेसिक फिटिंग ऑपरेशनों को लागू करके निर्दिष्टियों के अनुसार कार्य बनाने के लिए योजना बनाएं और कार्य को संगठित करें।

- सुरक्षा सावधानियों का पालन करते हुए आयामी सटीकता की जांच करें।

- बेसिक फिटिंग ऑपरेशन में शामिल हैं:

  - मार्किंग

  - हैक्सॉइंग

  - चिसलिंग

  - फाइलिंग

  - ड्रिलिंग

  - टैपिंग

  - ग्राइंडिंग 


क्र.प्रश्नविकल्प Aविकल्प Bविकल्प Cविकल्प Dसही उत्तर
1मार्किंग के लिए कौन सा उपकरण प्रयोग किया जाता है?वर्नियर कैलिपरस्टील स्केलसर्फेस प्लेटडिवाइडरस्टील स्केल
2किस ऑपरेशन में हैक्सॉ ब्लेड का उपयोग होता है?ड्रिलिंगफाइलिंगहैक्सॉइंगग्राइंडिंगहैक्सॉइंग
3सही ड्रिलिंग के लिए कौन सी गति अनुकूल होती है?उच्चमध्यमनिम्नबहुत उच्चमध्यम
4किस ऑपरेशन के लिए फ्लैट फाइल का उपयोग होता है?मार्किंगचिसलिंगफाइलिंगड्रिलिंगफाइलिंग
50.25 मिमी की सटीकता के लिए कौन सा टूल सही है?मापी पट्टीवर्नियर कैलिपरमेटल रूलहाइट गेजवर्नियर कैलिपर
6चिसलिंग के दौरान सुरक्षा के लिए क्या आवश्यक है?दस्तानेहेलमेटसुरक्षा चश्मासभीसभी
7हैक्सॉइंग ऑपरेशन के दौरान किस प्रकार की ब्लेड का उपयोग होता है?हार्डलचीलीकार्बनटंगस्टनलचीली
8ड्रिलिंग में किस प्रकार की ड्रिल बिट उपयोगी होती है?ट्विस्ट ड्रिलफ्लैट ड्रिलकोर ड्रिलसेंटर ड्रिलट्विस्ट ड्रिल
9फाइलिंग ऑपरेशन के लिए किस प्रकार की फाइल उचित होती है?गोल फाइलत्रिकोणीय फाइलफ्लैट फाइलचौकोर फाइलफ्लैट फाइल
10ग्राइंडिंग ऑपरेशन में किस उपकरण का उपयोग होता है?वाइसफाइलग्राइंडिंग व्हीलवर्नियर कैलिपरग्राइंडिंग व्हील
11हैक्सॉइंग में सही कोण क्या होना चाहिए?90°60°45°30°90°
12ड्रिलिंग के दौरान कौन सी ग्रीस उपयोगी होती है?ग्रीफाइटलिथियमसिलिकॉनकोई नहींसिलिकॉन
13किस ऑपरेशन में डाई का उपयोग होता है?चिसलिंगफाइलिंगटैपिंगग्राइंडिंगटैपिंग
14मार्किंग के दौरान किस यंत्र का उपयोग किया जाता है?सर्फेस प्लेटडाईवाइसचाकसर्फेस प्लेट
15किस ऑपरेशन के लिए फाइल की दांत संख्या महत्वपूर्ण है?ग्राइंडिंगफाइलिंगचिसलिंगड्रिलिंगफाइलिंग
16किस प्रकार की फाइल जॉब को समतल करने के लिए उपयोग की जाती है?फ्लैट फाइलगोल फाइलत्रिकोणीय फाइलचौकोर फाइलफ्लैट फाइल
17टैपिंग ऑपरेशन के लिए कौन सा टूल आवश्यक है?ड्रिल बिटटैपवाइसग्राइंडिंग व्हीलटैप
180.25 मिमी की सटीकता के लिए कौन सा माप उपकरण सबसे उपयुक्त है?मेटल रूलवर्नियर कैलिपरमाइक्रोमीटरडायल गेजवर्नियर कैलिपर
19चिसलिंग के लिए कौन सा स्टील उपयोग किया जाता है?कार्बन स्टीलहाई स्पीड स्टीलमाइल्ड स्टीलटूल स्टीलटूल स्टील
20ड्रिलिंग ऑपरेशन में किस प्रकार की सुरक्षा का ध्यान रखना चाहिए?सुरक्षा चश्मादस्तानेकान की सुरक्षासभीसभी
21किस ऑपरेशन के दौरान ठंडी हवा का उपयोग किया जाता है?फाइलिंगहैक्सॉइंगड्रिलिंगग्राइंडिंगग्राइंडिंग
22ड्रिलिंग के लिए कौन सा कोण सबसे उपयुक्त है?30°45°60°90°90°
23टैपिंग के दौरान किस प्रकार की ग्रीस उपयोगी होती है?सिलिकॉनलिथियमग्रीफाइटकोई नहींलिथियम
24ग्राइंडिंग के लिए किस प्रकार के ग्राइंडिंग व्हील का चयन करना चाहिए?सॉफ्टहार्डमीडियमलचीलामीडियम
25किस ऑपरेशन के लिए डाय या पंच का उपयोग होता है?फाइलिंगड्रिलिंगमार्किंगटैपिंगमार्किंग
26टैपिंग के दौरान कोण को सही रखने के लिए क्या आवश्यक है?वाइसटैपिंग गाइडसर्फेस प्लेटमेटल रूलटैपिंग गाइड
27ग्राइंडिंग के दौरान किस प्रकार की सुरक्षा आवश्यक है?दस्तानेहेलमेटसुरक्षा चश्मासभीसभी
28हैक्सॉइंग में ब्लेड का कोण कितना होना चाहिए?45°60°90°30°90°
29फाइलिंग के लिए किस प्रकार की फाइल सबसे अच्छी होती है?मीडियम कटकोर्स कटफाइन कटडबल कटमीडियम कट
30ड्रिलिंग ऑपरेशन के दौरान किस प्रकार की सावधानी रखनी चाहिए?धीमी गतिउच्च गतिपानी का उपयोगसुरक्षा चश्मासुरक्षा चश्मा
31किस ऑपरेशन में स्पीड एडजस्टमेंट आवश्यक है?फाइलिंगहैक्सॉइंगड्रिलिंगचिसलिंगड्रिलिंग
32टैपिंग के लिए कौन सा पदार्थ उपयोगी होता है?तेलपानीग्रीसकोई नहींतेल
33हैक्सॉइंग में किस प्रकार की ब्लेड का उपयोग करना चाहिए?मीडियमकोर्सफाइनडबलफाइन
34ड्रिलिंग के दौरान किस प्रकार की सतह आवश्यक है?सर्फेस प्लेटवाइसवर्क बेंचसभीसर्फेस प्लेट
35टैपिंग के दौरान किस प्रकार के टैप का उपयोग होता है?हाई स्पीड स्टीलकार्बन स्टीलमाइल्ड स्टीलटंगस्टनहाई स्पीड स्टील
36फाइलिंग के लिए कौन सी दिशा सही है?आगे की ओरपीछे की ओरऊपर की ओरनीचे की ओरआगे की ओर
37ड्रिलिंग के दौरान किस प्रकार की सुरक्षा सावधानी आवश्यक है?दस्तानेहेलमेटसुरक्षा चश्मासभीसभी
38हैक्सॉइंग के दौरान ब्लेड को कितनी बार बदलना चाहिए?हर घंटेहर दो घंटेहर चार घंटेहर बार जब ब्लेड सुस्त हो जाए
हर बार जब ब्लेड सुस्त हो जाए
39ग्राइंडिंग ऑपरेशन में किस प्रकार की गति अनुकूल होती है?निम्नमध्यमउच्चबहुत उच्चमध्यम
40ड्रिलिंग के दौरान कौन सी सामग्री उपयोगी होती है?पानीतेलग्रीसकोई नहींतेल
41किस प्रकार की फाइल गोल कोनों के लिए सही है?फ्लैट फाइलत्रिकोणीय फाइलगोल फाइलचौकोर फाइलगोल फाइल
42हैक्सॉइंग में सबसे अच्छा कोण क्या है?90°60°45°30°90°
43ड्रिलिंग के लिए किस प्रकार की मशीन उपयोगी होती है?हाथ सेस्वचालितमैन्युअलदोनोंस्वचालित
44चिसलिंग के लिए सबसे अच्छा कोण क्या है?30°45°60°90°45°
45टैपिंग के दौरान किस प्रकार की ग्रीस का उपयोग होता है?लिथियमसिलिकॉनग्रीफाइटकोई नहींलिथियम
46किस प्रकार की फाइल को मोटे काम के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है?मीडियम कटफाइन कटकोर्स कटडबल कटकोर्स कट
47ग्राइंडिंग के लिए किस प्रकार के मटेरियल का चयन करना चाहिए?सॉफ्ट स्टीलहार्ड स्टीलमाइल्ड स्टीलटंगस्टनमाइल्ड स्टील


  Syllabus Description for Training Officer - Mechanic Diesel (पेपर कोड G)

 1. Measuring and Marking Operations

Trainees will learn to check and perform measuring and marking using various tools such as Vernier calipers, micrometers, telescope gauges, dial bore gauges, dial indicators, straightedges, feeler gauges, thread pitch gauges, vacuum gauges, and tire pressure gauges, all while following safety precautions. (NOS: ASC/N9401)

  2. Fastening and Fitting Operations

The syllabus covers planning and performing basic fastening and fitting operations using the correct hand tools, machine tools, and equipment, ensuring proper assembly and safety. (NOS: CSC/N0304)

  3. Electrical and Electronic Components

Trainees will trace and test all electrical and electronic components and circuits, assembling them to ensure the functionality of the system. This includes understanding circuit diagrams and testing equipment. (NOS: ELE/N9412)

  4. Joining Components through Welding

The course includes joining components using arc and gas welding techniques, emphasizing the correct procedures and safety measures. (NOS: CSC/N0304)

  5. Hydraulic and Pneumatic Components

Trainees will trace and test hydraulic and pneumatic components, understanding their operation and role within the vehicle systems. (NOS: CSC/N9404)

  6. Vehicle Specifications and VIN Interpretation

The syllabus covers checking and interpreting vehicle specification data and VIN (Vehicle Identification Number), selecting and operating various service station equipment as required for maintenance and repair. (NOS: ASC/N9402)

  7. Diesel Engine Dismantling and Assembly

Trainees will learn to dismantle and assemble diesel engines from vehicles (both LMV and HMV) along with other accessories. This includes understanding torqueing methods and handling parts safely. (NOS: ASC/N9403)

  8. Diesel Engine Overhaul and Testing

The course includes overhauling, servicing, and testing diesel engines and their parts, ensuring they function properly after reassembly. (NOS: ASC/N9404)

  9. Cooling and Lubrication System Maintenance

Trainees will trace, test, and repair the cooling and lubrication systems of engines, including understanding the types of coolants and oils relevant to different engines. (NOS: ASC/N9405)

  10. Intake and Exhaust System Maintenance

The syllabus covers tracing and testing the intake and exhaust systems of engines, including cleaning EGR valves, exhaust inlet valves, ports, and manifolds. (NOS: ASC/N9406)

  11. Diesel Fuel System Servicing

Trainees will service diesel fuel systems, including calibrating mechanical and electronic pumps, checking injectors, and replacing filters to ensure proper functionality. (NOS: ASC/N9404)

 12. Stationary Engine and Governor Overhaul

The course includes planning and overhauling stationary engines and governors, with a focus on ensuring their proper functionality after servicing. (NOS: ASC/N9404)

  13. Vehicle Emission Monitoring

Trainees will monitor vehicle emissions and execute different operations to achieve optimal pollution control as per emission norms. This includes understanding the standards and testing procedures. (NOS: ASC/N9407)

  14. Alternator and Starter Motor Overhauling

The syllabus covers the overhauling of alternators and starter motors, ensuring they function correctly after reassembly. (NOS: ASC/N9408)

  15. LMV/HMV Defect Diagnosis and Rectification

Trainees will learn to diagnose and rectify defects in light motor vehicles (LMVs) and heavy motor vehicles (HMVs) to ensure their proper functionality. (NOS: ASC/N9409)

  16. Engineering Drawing Application

The course emphasizes reading and applying engineering drawings for various applications in the field of work, ensuring accurate interpretation and execution. (NOS: CSC/N9401)

  17. Mathematics and Science in Practical Operations

Trainees will demonstrate basic mathematical concepts and principles to perform practical operations. They will also understand and explain basic scientific concepts relevant to their field of study. (NOS: CSC/N9402)

 This syllabus provides a thorough foundation for trainees aspiring to become Training Officers in Mechanic Diesel, ensuring they acquire the necessary skills to diagnose, repair, and maintain diesel engines and related systems effectively. 


  Syllabus Description for Training Officer - Machinist (पेपर कोड F)

 1. Basic Fitting Operations and Dimensional Accuracy

- Description: Plan and organize work to create jobs as per specifications by applying basic fitting operations. Ensure dimensional accuracy and adherence to safety precautions.

- Operations: Marking, hacksawing, chiselling, filing, drilling, tapping, grinding, etc.

- Accuracy: ±0.25mm

- NOS: CSC/N0304

 2. Component Production and Accuracy Check

- Description: Produce components using various operations and verify accuracy with appropriate measuring instruments.

- Operations: Drilling, reaming, tapping, dieing.

- Measuring Instruments: Vernier, screw gauge, micrometer.

- NOS: CSC/N9405

 3. Component Fit and Assembly

- Description: Make components with different fits for assembly as per required tolerance, observing the principle of interchangeability and checking functionality.

- Fits: Sliding, angular, step fit, ‘T’ fit, square fit, profile fit.

- Tolerance: ±0.2 mm, angular tolerance: 1 degree.

- NOS: CSC/N0304

 4. Lathe Machine Operation and Job Setup

- Description: Set up different shaped jobs on various chucks and demonstrate conventional lathe machine operations.

- Chucks: 3 jaws, 4 jaws.

- Jobs: Round, square, hexagonal.

- NOS: CSC/N0110

 5. Cutting Tool Preparation and Turning Operations

- Description: Prepare cutting tools to produce jobs with appropriate accuracy by performing various turning operations.

- Cutting Tools: V tool, side cutting, parting, thread cutting (LH & RH).

- Accuracy: ±0.06mm

- Operations: Plain, facing, drilling, boring (counter & stepped), grooving, parallel turning, step turning, parting, chamfering, U-cut, reaming, knurling.

- NOS: CSC/N0110

 6. Taper and Angular Component Production

- Description: Set machine components and parameters to produce taper or angular components and ensure proper assembly.

- Components: Form tool, compound slide, tailstock offset.

- Parameters: Feed, speed, depth of cut.

- NOS: CSC/N0110

 7. Metric-V Threaded Components

- Description: Set machining parameters to produce metric-V threaded components and test for proper assembly.

- NOS: CSC/N0110

 8. Slotting Operations

- Description: Set machining parameters and tools to perform slotting operations with accuracy.

- Operations: Concave & convex surfaces, internal keyways, profiling, making internal sprockets.

- Accuracy: ±0.04 mm

- NOS: CSC/N9406

 9. Milling Operations and Indexing

- Description: Set parameters and cutters for milling operations and indexing.

- Operations: Plain, face, angular, form, gang, straddle milling.

- Parameters: Feed, speed, depth of cut.

- NOS: CSC/N9407

 10. Square and “V” Threaded Components

- Description: Set machining parameters to produce square and “V” threaded components and test for assembly.

- NOS: CSC/N0110

 11. High Accuracy Grinding Operations

- Description: Produce components of high accuracy using grinding operations.

- Operations: Surface grinding, cylindrical grinding.

- Accuracy: ±0.01 mm

- NOS: CSC/N0109

 12. Engineering Drawing Application

- Description: Read and apply engineering drawings for various applications in the field of work.

- NOS: CSC/N9401

 13. Mathematical Concepts and Basic Science

- Description: Demonstrate basic mathematical concepts and principles to perform practical operations and explain basic science relevant to the field.

- NOS: CSC/N9402

 14. Tool Re-sharpening

- Description: Re-sharpen different single and multipoint cutting tools.

- Tools: Single point tools, slab milling cutter, side & face milling cutter, end mill cutter, shell end mill cutter.

- NOS: CSC/N0109

 15. Milling Machine Operations

- Description: Set parameters and cutters for various milling machine operations.

- Operations: Facing, drilling, tapping, reaming, counter boring, counter sinking, spot facing, boring slot cutting.

- Parameters: Feed, speed, depth of cut.

- NOS: CSC/N9407

 16. Milling Operation and Indexing (Advanced)

- Description: Set parameters and cutters to produce components by performing milling operations and indexing.

- Components: Rack, spur gear, external spline, steel rule, clutch, helical gear.

- Parameters: Feed, speed, depth of cut.

- NOS: CSC/N9407

 17. CNC Turning Centre Operation

- Description: Set up CNC turning centre and produce components as per drawing by preparing a part programme.

- NOS: CSC/N0115

  18. CNC VMC (Vertical Machining Center) Operation

- Description: Set up CNC VMC and produce components as per drawing by preparing a part programme.

- NOS: CSC/N9408

 19. Machine Repair and Overhauling

- Description: Plan and perform simple repairs and overhauling of various machines, checking for functionality.

- Machines: Drilling machine, milling machine, lathe.

- NOS: CSC/N9403

 20. Advanced Milling Operations

- Description: Set parameters and cutters for advanced milling operations and indexing.

- Components: End mill, bevel gear, cam, worm & worm wheel.

- Parameters: Feed, speed, depth of cut.

- NOS: CSC/N9407

 21. Engineering Drawing Application (Reiteration)

- Description: Read and apply engineering drawings for various applications, emphasizing its importance.

- NOS: CSC/N9401

 22. Mathematics and Science (Reiteration)

- Description: Further emphasize the application of basic mathematical concepts and principles, and understanding of basic science.

- NOS: CSC/N9402

This syllabus provides a comprehensive framework for the Training Officer - Machinist role, ensuring a thorough understanding of machining operations, tool handling, and machine maintenance.


  Syllabus Description for Training Officer - Welder (पेपर कोड B)

1. Gas Welding and MS Sheet Joining

- Set up the gas welding plant and join mild steel (MS) sheets in various positions, following safety precautions.

  - Positions: 1F, 2F, 3F, 1G, 2G, 3G

  - NOS Code: CSC/N0204

 2. SMAW Machine Setup and Welding on MS

- Set up the Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) machine and perform different types of joints on MS in various positions according to standard procedures.

  - Types of Joints: Fillet (T-joint, lap, corner), Butt (square, V)

  - Positions: 1F, 2F, 3F, 4F, 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G

  - NOS Code: CSC/N0204

 3. Oxy-Acetylene Cutting Operations

- Set up the oxy-acetylene cutting plant and perform various cutting operations on MS plates.

  - Cutting Operations: Straight, bevel, circular

  - NOS Code: CSC/N0201

 4. Gas Welding on MS Pipe Joints

- Perform gas welding (OAW) on different types of MS pipe joints.

  - Types of Joints: Butt, elbow, T-joint, angle (45°) joint, flange joint

  - NOS Code: CSC/N0204

 5. SMAW Welding on MS Pipe Joints

- Set up the SMAW machine and weld various types of MS pipe joints.

  - Types of Joints: Butt, elbow, T-joint, angle (45°) joint, flange joint

  - NOS Code: CSC/N0204

 6. Joining of Different Metals

- Choose the appropriate welding process and perform joining on various types of metals, ensuring correctness.

  - Welding Processes: OAW, SMAW

  - Metals: Stainless Steel (SS), Cast Iron (CI), Brass, Aluminium

  - NOS Code: CSC/N0204

 7. Arc Gouging Operation

- Demonstrate arc gouging to rectify weld joints.

  - NOS Code: CSC/N0204

 8. Welded Joint Testing

- Test welded joints using various testing methods.

  - Testing Methods: Dye penetration, magnetic particle, nick break, free bend, fillet fracture

  - NOS Code: CSC/N0204

 9. GMAW Welding on MS Sheet/Plate

- Set up the Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) machine and perform welding on different types of joints on MS sheets/plates in various positions using dip mode metal transfer.

  - Types of Joints: Fillet (T-joint, lap, corner), Butt (square, V)

  - Positions: 1F, 2F, 3F, 4F, 1G, 2G, 3G

  - NOS Code: CSC/N0209

 10. GTAW Welding on Different Metals

- Set up the Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) machine and perform welding on various joints and metals in different positions, ensuring weld correctness.

  - Types of Joints: Fillet (T-joint, lap, corner), Butt (square, V)

  - Metals: Aluminium, Stainless Steel

  - Positions: 1F, 1G

  - NOS Code: CSC/N0212

 11. GTAW on Aluminium & MS Pipe Joint

- Perform welding on Aluminium and MS pipe joints using GTAW in the flat position.

  - NOS Code: CSC/N0212

 12. Plasma Arc Cutting

- Set up the Plasma Arc Cutting machine and cut ferrous and non-ferrous metals.

  - NOS Code: CSC/N0207

 13. Resistance Spot Welding

- Set up the resistance spot welding machine and join MS & SS sheets.

  - NOS Code: CSC/N0206

 14. Brazing Operations

- Perform brazing to join different similar and dissimilar metals according to standard procedures.

  - Metals: Copper, MS, SS

  - NOS Code: CSC/N9410

 15. Repairing Cast Iron Parts

- Repair cast iron machine parts by selecting the appropriate welding process.

  - Welding Processes: OAW, SMAW

  - NOS Code: CSC/N9411

 16. Hard Facing

- Perform hard facing on alloy steel components or MS rods using hard facing electrodes.

  - NOS Code: CSC/N9412

 17. Engineering Drawing Application

- Read and apply engineering drawings for various applications in the field of work.

  - NOS Code: CSC/N9401

 18. Mathematics and Science Fundamentals

- Demonstrate basic mathematical concepts and principles to perform practical operations, and understand and explain basic science relevant to the field of study.

  - NOS Code: CSC/N9402


 Syllabus for Training Officer - Fitter: (पेपर कोड A)


 1. Basic Fitting Operations

- Plan and organize the work to make a job as per specifications by applying different types of basic fitting operations.
- Check for dimensional accuracy following safety precautions.
- Basic fitting operations include:
  - Marking
  - Hacksawing
  - Chiselling
  - Filing
  - Drilling
  - Taping
  - Grinding
- Accuracy Required: ± 0.25mm

 2. Sheet Metal Work

- Manufacture simple sheet metal items as per drawing.
- Join the sheet metal items by:
  - Soldering
  - Brazing
  - Riveting
- Competency Standard Code: CSC/N03001

 3. Riveting

- Join metal components by riveting while observing standard procedures.
- Competency Standard Code: CSC/N0304

 4. Arc Welding

- Join metal components by arc welding while observing standard procedures.
- Competency Standard Code: CSC/N0304

 5. Gas Welding (Oxyacetylene)

- Cut and join metal components by gas welding using the oxyacetylene method.
- Competency Standard Code: CSC/N0304

 6. Production and Measurement

- Produce components through various operations.
- Check accuracy using appropriate measuring instruments.
- Operations include:
  - Drilling
  - Reaming
  - Taping
  - Dieing
- Measuring Instruments:
  - Vernier
  - Screw Gauge
  - Micrometer
- Competency Standard Code: CSC/N0304

 7. Component Fitting and Tolerance

- Make different fits of components for assembling as per required tolerance.
- Check for functionality.
- Fits include:
  - Sliding
  - Angular
  - Step fit
  - ‘T’ fit
  - Square fit
  - Profile fit
- Required Tolerance:
  - Dimensional: ±0.04 mm
  - Angular: 30 min
- Competency Standard Code: CSC/N0304

 8. Lathe Operations

- Produce components involving different operations on lathe while observing standard procedures.
- Check for accuracy.
- Operations include:
  - Facing
  - Plain turning
  - Step turning
  - Parting
  - Chamfering
  - Shoulder turning
  - Grooving
  - Knurling
  - Boring
  - Taper turning
  - Threading (external ‘V’ only)
- Competency Standard Code: CSC/N0110

 9. Machine Repair and Overhauling

- Plan and perform simple repairs and overhauling of different machines.
- Check for functionality.
- Machines include:
  - Drill Machine
  - Power Saw
  - Bench Grinder
  - Lathe

 10. Engineering Drawing

- Read and apply engineering drawing for different applications in the field of work.

 11. Basic Mathematics and Science

- Demonstrate basic mathematical concepts and principles to perform practical operations.
- Understand and explain basic science in the field of study.

 12. Surface Finishing and Assembly

- Make and assemble components of different mating surfaces as per required tolerance using different surface finishing operations.
- Check functionality.
- Mating Surfaces include:
  - Dovetail fitting
  - Radius fitting
  - Combined fitting
- Surface Finishing Operations include:
  - Scraping
  - Lapping
  - Honing
- Fastening Components:
  - Dowel pins
  - Screws
  - Bolts
  - Keys
  - Cotters
- Fastening Tools:
  - Hand-operated tools
  - Power tools
- Required Tolerance:
  - Dimensional: ±0.02mm
  - Angular: ±10 min
- Competency Standard Code: CSC/N0304

 13. Gauge Making

- Make different gauges using standard tools and equipment.
- Check for specified accuracy.
- Gauges include:
  - Snap gauge
  - Gap gauge
- Specified Accuracy: ±0.02mm
- Competency Standard Code: CSC/N0304

 14. Pipe Joints and Valve Assembly

- Apply a range of skills to execute pipe joints.
- Dismantle and assemble valves and fittings with pipes.
- Test for leakages.
- Skills include:
  - Cutting
  - Threading
  - Flaring
  - Bending
  - Joining
- Competency Standard Code: CSC/N0304

 15. Drill Jig Production

- Make a drill jig and produce components on a drill machine using jigs.
- Check for correctness.
- Competency Standard Code: CSC/N0304

 16. Mechanical Component Repair

- Plan, dismantle, repair, and assemble different damaged mechanical components used for power transmission.
- Check functionality.
- Components include:
  - Pulley
  - Gear
  - Keys
  - Jibs
  - Shafts
- Competency Standard Code: CSC/N0304

 17. Pneumatics and Hydraulics

- Identify, dismantle, replace, and assemble different pneumatics and hydraulics components.
- Components include:
  - Compressor
  - Pressure Gauge
  - Filter Regulator Lubricator
  - Valves
  - Actuators

 18. Pneumatic and Hydraulic Circuit Construction

- Construct circuits of pneumatics and hydraulics observing standard operating procedures and safety aspects.

 19. Preventive Maintenance

- Plan and perform basic day-to-day preventive maintenance.
- Repair and check functionality.
- Machines include:
  - Drill Machine
  - Power Saw
  - Lathe
- Competency Standard Code: CSC/N0304

 20. Machine Erection and Testing

- Plan and erect simple machines.
- Test machine tool accuracy.
- Machines include:
  - Drill Machine
  - Power Saw
  - Lathe

 21. Engineering Drawing Application

- Read and apply engineering drawing for various applications in the field of work.

 22. Mathematics and Science Application

- Demonstrate basic mathematical concepts and principles to perform practical operations.
- Understand and explain basic science in the field of study.

Sunday, February 11, 2024



The syllabus for the RRB ALP (Assistant Loco Pilot) exam typically covers the following subjects:

1. Mathematics: This section includes topics such as number system, decimal and fractions, LCM and HCF, ratio and proportion, percentages, mensuration, time and work, time and distance, simple and compound interest, profit and loss, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, elementary statistics, etc.

2. General Intelligence and Reasoning: The questions in this section are designed to test the candidate’s reasoning abilities, problem-solving skills, and analytical thinking. Topics may include analogies, similarities and differences, spatial visualization, spatial orientation, problem-solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory, discrimination, observation, relationship concepts, arithmetic reasoning, verbal and figure classification, arithmetic number series, non-verbal series, coding and decoding, statement conclusion, syllogistic reasoning, etc.

3. General Science: This section aims to test the candidate’s knowledge in general science. The topics may include physics, chemistry, and life sciences (biology) of 10th standard level.

4. General Awareness and Current Affairs: This section assesses the candidate’s awareness of current events, both national and international, as well as their general knowledge. Topics may include history, geography, economics, politics, scientific research, sports, culture, etc.